Escudo de la UCM

     Departamento de Física Teórica  
(formerly Teórica I)

U. Complutense de Madrid

Home page for Felipe J. Llanes Estrada

Escudo de Físicas

photograph of Felipe photograph of Felipe
When I first joined the faculty in Madrid... My current look over a decade and many projects later

Professional address

You can reach me at:

Felipe J. Llanes Estrada, 
Departamento de Física Teórica
(formerly Teórica I),
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Parque de las Ciencias 1,
Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, 28040 Madrid   Spain
or if you prefer
by telephone: (34) 913944460
electronic mail:


I have assisted with and taught numerous courses, mostly in our
Bsc program of physics / physics and mathematics.
In 2022-23 I will be handling a group of General Relativity
(4th year undergraduate Bachelor section), one of Quantum Mechanics
(3rd year undergraduates majoring in physics)
and half a section of freshmen physics.
Student questions: please refer to the Campus Virtual UCM

Position since 2020:

Catedrático de Universidad

(full professor)


I have been mostly interested in Theoretical Hadron Physics,
This is a subdiscipline that shares from Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics and Quantum Field Theory.
As of late I am working on strongly interacting extensions of the standard model's electroweak symmetry breaking sector.
However I keep an eye in developments in other related fields and subfields, such as Astrophysics and Energy Research.
You can find many of my research articles through the INSPIRE HEP database.
Currently I am PI together with Antonio Dobado of a spanish national grant FPA2016-75654-C2-1-P. I belong to the research group on Effective Theories.

Academic Activities

See our recent project in 2015: a little 3D printer for class demonstrations.

A lot of my time between 2007 and 2015 was taken up with departmental duties as academic secretary (kind of a deputy director).
I coorganized QNP06, the Fourth International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics, in June 2006
and also a  small meeting on Quark masses and Hadron Physics, in June 2009, QH09.
Our last meeting at Complutense took place between August 30th and September 3d 2010, the
IVth International Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, qchs09.
See also the spanish High Energy Physics School (Taller de Altas Energias).
I have recently coorganized an ECT* meeting Nucleon Matrix Elements for New-Physics Searches and a larger Seattle INT program
on this topical field that followed in 2015.

In 2016 I have acted as convener of Confinement XII in Thessaloniki, and coorganized the Spanish Hadron Network meeting in Madrid
I also support the series of seminars of  Theoretical Physics.

Undergraduate projects ("Trabajo de Grado")

If you should like to have a look into theoretical particle physics, theoretical nuclear physics (high energy), neutron stars, or quantum field theory, I can suggest you a topic. I can also put you in touch with the LHC experimentalists if you should like to have a look at what they are doing. Please contact me towards the end of your third year so you have time to do summer reading.
We can also design you a masters level project, for our Masters degree in theoretical physics

 Collaborators and students

* Some collaborators in my generation I had the pleasure to learn from
* My more senior mentors these years
* Here are some more  junior people and students I tried to help along the way

Some research highlights

If you want to get an idea of some of the things I work on without wading through all those journal references, have a look; that section is naturally always on the works
(under construction)

Felipe J. Llanes Estrada

Boat ride at Confinement
XII in Thessaloniki
photograph of Felipe
photograph of Felipe
Meetings are a lot of work but have also a light side.

Here at Confinement XII in Thessaloniki, riding the boat on the bay.

The sunset at the dock of the white tower.
Winter at the Niagara.