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On Monday 12th there will be an outreach public talk (in Spanish) at the ``Biblioteca Marques de Valdecilla" (see location below) at 18:45, delivered by Diego Sáez-Gómez (Valladolid University, Spain) with the following details:

Title: ``De los primeros a los últimos minutos del universo: un viaje por la historia cosmologica"

Abstract: ``Acompáñenme en este trepidante viaje: abordaremos las diferentes concepciones sobre nuestra comprensión del universo a lo largo de la Historia hasta el momento actual cuando la cosmología ha pasado a ser una ciencia contrastable con las observaciones. Repasaremos lo que creemos saber desde los primeros instantes del universo hasta sus posibles finales, poniendo de relieve los principales desafíos ante los que nos enfrentamos en cosmología hoy en día"

On Wednesday 14th , after the afternoon's last session (around 17:30) there will be the presentation of a scientific documentary by Gonzalo J. Olmo (Valencia University, Spain) at the same venue room of the Workshop (available to the whole academic and local community, not just to the Workshop's participants).

Documentary: Challenging Einstein's Legacy

Einstein's theory of General Relativity was able to explain Mercury's perihelion shift, predicted the bending of light by massive objects like the Sun, and helped to understand the recession of galaxies observed by Edwin Hubble and his team as a phenomenon due to the expansion of space-time on cosmological scales. Being built on the basis of the relativity of observers, this theory has not only contributed to a better understanding of the physical universe in which we live, but did also provide the seeds to respect and be more tolerant with the characteristics and points of view of others. However, and despite its overwhelming success over the last century, General Relativity is nowadays perceived as an incomplete theory that must be improved. This documentary reviews some of its greatest hits and the reasons that lead us to believe that it should be replaced by a more complete description.

Challenging Einstein's Legacy is a documentary directed by Gonzalo Gurrea Ysasi with the participation of researchers from the COST Action CANTATA and the Spanish Society of Gravitation and Relativity (SEGRE).

A trailer (1' 12'' long) of the Documentary can be found here

The viewing of the documentary (28') will be followed by a discussion with some of its participants.