
Neutron star Eqn. of State at finite Temperature for modified gravity

Lower end of the nEoS-T band (softest allowed EoS)

  Typical EoS through our grid

Upper end of the nEoS-T band (stiffest allowed EoS)

T=0 Soft

T=0 Typical

T=0 Stiff

T=10 MeV Soft

T=10 MeV Typical

T=10 MeV Stiff

T=20 MeV Soft

T=20 MeV Typical

T=20 MeV Stiff

T=30 MeV Soft

T=30 MeV Typical

T=30 MeV Stiff

References to QCD-based low and high density EoS computations used here (from InspireHEP)

Sammarruca, Machleidt and Millerson (Chiral EFT NN potentials)       Kurkela and Vuorinen (pQCD)

We do not know of an investigation of the crustal (lowest-density) EoS whose systematic uncertainties are guaranteed so we have not incorporated it into our tables. But should it become strictly necessary to supplement them, a reasonable starting point would be the work of Sharma et al. published in Astron.Astrophys. 584 (2015) A103.

Acknowledgment of support

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824093; spanish MICINN grants PID2019-108655GB-I00, -106080GB-C21 (Spain); COST action CA16214 (Multimessenger Physics and Astrophysics of Neutron Stars) and the U. Complutense de Madrid research group 910309 and IPARCOS.

The Univ. Complutense team thanks the members of the EU COST Action PHAROS (CA16214) and the IPARCOS institute for a stimulating scientific environment
as well as David Fernandez Sanz for computer assistance.

Site maintained by
Felipe J. Llanes Estrada
and Eva Lope-Oter

hosted at the
Departamento de Física Teórica,
Univ. Complutense, Madrid
nEos-T band