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Confinement IX Address

Facultad de Ciencias Físicas

Universidad Complutense

Av. Complutense s.n.

28040 Madrid

Research Group on Effective Theories at Complutense

Scientific Program

The conference will start at 9:00 AM on monday August 30th and wil finish at 18:30 on friday September 3rd, 2010

Section A: Vacuum structure and confinement         

Vacuum configurations (vortices, monopoles, calorons, …) and other lower-dimensional structures in the QCD vacuum; QCD vacuum wave functionals; eigenmode spectrum of covariant (Dirac, Laplacian) operators, connection to confinement and topology; ghost/gluon propagators and confinement criteria; new analytic approaches to confinement; the chiral magnetic effect; numerical studies of the QCD string; renormalons and power corrections.

M. Faber (TU Vienna), J. Greensite (San Francisco), M. Polikarpov (ITEP)

Section B: Light quarks

Chiral and soft collinear effective theories; sum rules; lattice; Schwinger-Dyson equations; masses of light quarks; light-quark loops; phenomenology of light-hadron form factors, spectra and decays; structure functions and generalized parton distributions; exotics and glueballs; experiments.

R. Alkofer (Graz), C. Bini (U. Roma I), J. Goity (JLAB), H. Sazdjian (IPN Orsay),
H. Wittig (Mainz)

Section C: Heavy quarks

Heavy-light mesons, heavy quarkonia, heavy baryons, heavy exotics and related topics: experiments and theory; phenomenology of spectra, decays, and production; effective theories for heavy quarks (HQET, NRQCD, pNRQCD, vNRQCD, SCET); sum rules for heavy hadrons; lattice calculations for heavy hadrons; theory of heavy-quark masses.

G. Bodwin (Argonne), P. Pakhlov (ITEP), J. Soto (UC Barcelona), A. Vairo (TU Munich)

Section D: Deconfinement

QCD at finite temperature; quark-gluon plasma; lattice QCD and phases of quark matter; QCD vacuum and strong fields.

Y. Foka (GSI), O. Philipsen (Munster), J. Rafelski (Arizona)

Section E: QCD and new physics

Hints on the confinement/deconfinement mechanism from supersymmetric and string theories; precision calculations in QCD with respect to experiments and possible new physics; applications of nonperturbative methods in QCD and other fields.

J. Coleman (SLAC), J. Edelstein (U. Santiago). A. Szczepaniak (Indiana)

Section F: Nuclear and astroparticle physics

Nuclear matter; nuclear forces; quark matter; neutron and compact stars.

M. Alford (St. Louis), T. Cohen (Maryland), A. Schmitt (TU Vienna)

Poster Session   (List of accepted contributions still in preparation)

All topics covered at the conference.

M. Creutz (BNL)