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The Madrid Winter Workshop on Theoretical Physics is the sixth in a series of Workshops intended to bring together researchers with common interests on the geometric structure of space-time, quantum properties of gravity, modified theories of gravity, cosmology, and astrophysics, and who collaborate or can potentially collaborate among each other via active projects. It will take place on December 12-15th, 2022. While previous workshops in this series were organized by the University of Valencia, the latest one being the 5th Valencia Winter Workshop, this time is hosted by the Departament of Theoretical Physics and the Instituto de Particulas y Fisica del Cosmos (IPARCOS) of the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.

The idea of the Workshop is to encourage everyone, from seniors to less-experienced students and postdocs, to present some results obtained during the last year that they find particularly relevant/interesting/easy to discuss in a relaxed atmosphere, possibly using the pdf of a paper already on arXiv or some scanned handwritten notes of a current work in progress, and addressing a few simple questions:

  • What is it about?.
  • Why is it important? (An explanation of what is unique and/or timely about this topic and the difference it might make with respect to previous work).
  • Perspectives.

The contributions are encouraged to be conceptual presentations with minimal calculations (if possible). The subsequent discussion and questions could extend as much as needed, depending on the audience's participation. All non-essential calculations could be provided to those interested for their individual analysis. The idea is to have talks not too focused on technicalities (if the topic allows, obviously) but have more discussions which could lead to new works/collaborations in the years to come.

In addition, a handful of renowed world-class experts will also deliver keynote talks on particularly interesting/hot topics.

The deadline for submission of abstracts is already closed. Further requests of talks can now only by made by emailing to the LOC at madww2022[at]gmail.com to see whether there are available spots.

The Workshop will be organized on a dual format: while participants are strongly encouraged to attend in person to participate in the discussions, all sessions will be broadcast and talks can be delivered remotely.

There is no registration fee to participate in this Workshop.

For any query directed to the MWW LOC, please reach us directly at madww2022[at]gmail.com. We will do our best to reply to your query as fast as possible.

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