Luis Martínez Alonso


Departamento de Física Teórica II

Facultad de Físicas

Universidad Complutense de Madrid,

Avenida Complutense s/n E28040





Luis Martinez is Professor of Theoretical Physics at the Universidad Complutense of  Madrid, he has been visiting professor at the Newton Institute of  Cambridge University and the departments of Mathematical Physics at the  Universities of  Montpellier,  Sapienza of Rome, Roma 3  and Lecce.  He is author and co-author of over a hundred and forty research papers  on key peer reviewed journals on Mathematical Physics related subjects.  He is currently working on exact models in random matrix theory, quantum gravity and Yang-Mills theory.
Course notes

  • Linear Algebra [PDF 3.781 KB]
  • Mathematical Methods I [PDF 6.142 KB]
  • Mathematical Methods II [PDF 2.611 KB]
  • Functional Analysis [PDF 3.781KB]