Welcome to the Fifth annual conference on quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger era (QGMM24)
This a conference following the ending of the COST Action CA18108, an initiative funded by the COST Association. It is aimed at enabling researchers from different communities of quantum gravity, theoreticians, phenomenologists and gamma-ray, neutrino, cosmic-ray and gravitational-wave experimentalists, to learn about each other's work and cooperate on the goal of developing new strategies for testing candidate quantum gravity theories using multi-messenger high-energy astrophysical observations.
The conference will take place on July 15th-19th, 2024 at the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), hosted by the "Instituto de Física de Partículas y del Cosmos" (IPARCOS).
Attendance will be in person in Madrid, though all talks will be broadcast.
There is a registration fee of 100 euros (70 euros for students) to participating in this Conference, to be paid before the registration deadline. In the event of exceptional circumstances (e.g. participantes from underdeveloped countries), the fee can be reduced or completely waived. Please consult us at qgmm24[at]gmail.com with your request.
Important Dates
January 15th: Registration opens
May 5th: Deadline for abstract submission Abstract submission is now closed and can only be made by requesting it directly to the conference email address at qgmm24[at]gmail.com
May 10th: Confirmation of talk selection
June 16th: Deadline for registration
July 15th (afternoon): Conference starts
July 17th (or 18th): Conference dinner
July 19th (noon): Conference ends
For any query directed to the QGMM24 LOC or GSC, please reach us directly at qgmm24[at]gmail.com. We will do our best to reply to your query as fast as possible.