Program Week 3
Mini-Course title: The algebraic approach: when, how, and why? See description here. Download the lecture notes here
Lecture 1 blackboard, video
Lecture 2 blackboard, video
Lecture 3 blackboard, video
Research Talks
Petr Kravchuk: Fusion of conformal defects blackboard, video
Pedro Vieira: The simplest multi-particles S-matrix Bootstrap blackboard, video
Ross Dempsey: New Approaches to Adjoint QCD_2 blackboard, video
Xiang Zhao: Gravity from quantum mechanics of finite matrices blackboard,video
Aditya Hebbar: Constraining Glueball Couplings blackboard, video
Tom Hartman: Statistics of 3D black holes from Liouville line defects blackboard, video
Miguel Correia: Bootstrapping singularities of n-point amplitudes blackboard, video